Our students have performed very well in the first semester and we were proud to share many great examples of learning at our Celebration of Learning Assembly held on January 27, 2015. 37 students were also recognised on February 13, 2015 at our first Spirit Heart Legacy Breakfast. These students were invited by their teachers and recognised for excellence in a variety of categories. The CBE web page also featured our school with an on line article about our Fine Arts Evening also held in January. Many student projects were displayed and students shared tasty treats from Foods and Fashion and French. Other students gave live performances. It was a great night. We are looking forward to seeing how students grow and learn in second semester.
Our first report card came home and it is our hope that it helped to inform students and parents about the strengths and areas of growth for each child. We have appreciated the comments that parents have shared with us about the new format and they will help us continue to improve our aim of supporting student learning. Our midterm exams have helped us identify some target areas that teachers will be supporting students with. We will be doing more targeted instruction on source based questions and pushing students to think critically. We are noticing that many students are struggling in the area of mental math and any support at home that would help them learn their timetables would be helpful. Mathletics is a great tool for this.
We welcome Sam Cruz who is replacing our art teacher, Donna Kaminiski, while she is on leave. Ms. Cruz was a student teacher of Ms. Kaminski's and is very familiar with our program and our students.
There are some great field trips coming up this semester and we will be needing parent volunteers to help make them happen. Please consider coming along for a great learning experience.
A special thank you to those of you who are supporting MidSun Education Enhancement Society's (MSEES) with the purchase of grocery gift cards. We are looking to purchase updated technology and PE equipment with the funds that are raised. School council generously funded 35 new white boards for use in grade 7 classes, the anual fee for our parent teacher interview program, and is looking at applying for a CIP grant that would allow us to match the casino funds from our recent casino to purchase much needed computers. You are making a big difference in the lives of our students, thank you!
Keep your eyes on our blog for more info about great school happenings!
Stay warm,
Veronica Saretsky
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