Wednesday 28 May 2014

Security Cameras at MidSun

Students may have noticed that a crew has been at the school working to install security cameras at MidSun.  This is a CBE initiative that will eventually see security cameras in all CBE schools.  Fish Creek Elementary had their camera system installed a couple of years ago.  The Calgary Board of Education is doing this as one of the measures they are taking to keep everyone safe at school.  The cameras are not operational as of yet, the workers assure me they have many more miles of cording to lay before anything will work but perhaps it will be finished at the end of June.  Our published Guide, Occupational Health and Safety lists the video camera’s under the question:

How is visitor safety dealt with at your work site?

 Sign-in
 Name tag
 Poster directing visitors to office
 Volunteer security check
 Unknown adults are approached by staff
 Specific orientation for field trips
 Volunteer handbook
 Notices posted for facility operators
 Fob security system (front door locked)
 Work safety bulletin board
 Supervision
 Volunteer orientation
 Posted information
 Volunteers Policy
Video cameras
 Teach children to watch for name tags 

The CBE continues to make everyone's safety a top priority and this initiative is one way they are doing it.
As always, please feel free to call me at the school if you have any questions.

Veronica Saretsky

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